Form 10 

This is the text you should retell.

 If it's digital, it's part of ICT. ICT , short for  information and communications technology  or  technologies, is a huge  umbrella  term. Though there's no universal definition, ICT generally  refers  to  all devices, networking components, applications  and systems that facilitate interaction with the digital  world. ICT includes more components. Components include  data, internet access, cloud computing, software, hardware, transactions, and communications technology. But  more importantly, ICT encompasses combinations and appliccations of those  component. 

 For businesses, advances within ICT have brought a slew of cost savings, opportunities and conveniences. They range from highly automated businesses processes that have cut costs, to the big data revolution where organizations are turning the vast trove of data generated by ICT into insights that drive new products and services, to ICT-enabled transactions such as internet shopping and telemedicine and social media that give customers more choices in how they shop, communicate and interact.

But ICT has also created problems and challenges to organizations and individuals alike -- as well as to society as a whole. The digitization of data, the expanding use of high-speed internet and the growing global network together have led to new levels of crime, where so-called bad actors can hatch electronically enabled schemes or illegally gain access to systems to steal money, intellectual property or private information or to disrupt systems that control critical infrastructure. ICT has also brought automation and robots that displace workers who are unable to transfer their skills to new positions. And ICT has allowed more and more people to limit their interactions with others, creating what some people fear is a population that could lose some of what makes it human.


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